Revise and Practice Regularly

Prior to the exam, revise your notes and practice as many questions as possible.

Understand the CTET Syllabus

Start by thoroughly understanding the CTET syllabus. Identify the key topics, subjects, and exam pattern to create a strategic study plan.

Get the Right Study Material

Choose the best study materials, including textbooks, online resources, and previous year's question papers to help you prepare effectively.

Create a Study Schedule

Plan a well-structured study schedule that includes regular breaks to maintain focus and avoid burnout.

Practice with Mock Tests

Regularly take CTET mock tests to get a feel for the real exam, improve time management, and identify your weak areas.

Strengthen Your Subject Knowledge

For Paper-I, focus on Child Development & Pedagogy, Language-I, Language-II, and Mathematics. For Paper-II, focus on the specific subject.